Monday, April 13, 2009

Things just became different.

You know when you have that feeling that everything just changed? I mean like your life just flipped and is now going to go in a direction that you know nothing about??

Well I do! My fiance and I recently started discussing him going back in to the Army. I wasn't against it I just have a lot of questions about it. Some won't be answered until he actually re-enlists. When we first discussed it I told him how I felt about it and told him I would support him. And I will... But I think it REALLY just hit me that there is going to be so much that changes and I have NO control over any of it.

I know that life no matter where you are has things you can't control... but this is all new to me and nothing that I ever planned or thought about having as a future... I'm kind of freaking out about it. Now all of a sudden things that didn't affect me quite as much are now taking a huge space in my mind... like deployment, moving, and a ton of other things that I can't even decipher right now... I'm sure someone out there knows what I am talking about... I just don't know where to look. I do pray to God and I leave it in his hands that doesn't make me any less confused right now though

1 comment:

  1. Yeah the army will take over alot of control. It's a big decision. I hope everything works out!
