Thursday, April 9, 2009

Life as an Army wife???

After yesterdays blog about our stupid argument I found out some interesting News. My hubby-to-be may be re-enlisting into the Army. He just got out last June and didn't want to re-enlist right away. Last night it became clear the he may be doing so right after our wedding.

It scares me. It excites me. It confuses me. But I support his decision no matter what it is. When we first started dating*a year ago today* he was in the army. But army life as a girlfriend and as a wife are different in most aspects. I didn't have to survive through a deployment. I didn't have to worry about him calling me because I saw hime when I wanted and talked to him when I wanted.

This all took me by surprise because I was under the impression that i was never going to happen. Any Army wives reading this?? If so got any advice for me???


  1. Advice? Let's see. First things first, take a deep breath. Life as an Army wife isn't easy, but then again, who's life is easy all the time? My husband has been in the Army for 3 years now. We are currently on our first deployment. He has now been gone for 9 months and will be gone for a few more. When you look at it, it sounds like a long time to be apart from your hubby, but looking back at the last 9 months, it doesn't seem that long. The time actually flies by. It is a very rewarding life style. I have made so many friends all over the country. Friends that I know understand. Friends that I know I can turn to for anything. Army wives, in my experience, are some of the most caring and giving people that I know. Having a strong support system both within the Army and the civilian worlds is the most important thing. I'm not going to lie and say that I never worry about my husband or that I never cry and throw myself a pity party, but if that is what it takes to build a life with him, then that is what I will do. At first, it is really overwhelming, but once you get used to the acronyms and life as a "dependent" it just becomes normal life. It isn't the life that I ever pictured for myself - I actually broke up with my hubby when we were 18 because I knew that he was going to join the Army, and I didn't want to deal with all of that-, but I wouldn't change a minute of my life with him (and the Army) for a life without him (and the Army).

    Thanks for the add! Let me know if you have any questions or anything.

  2. Ok...I'm an army girlfriend and I'm currently going through a deployment. It's hard, you have your good days and your bad BUT in the end it can really make your relationship stronger. As long as your support him you can't go wrong.
