Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Things I could HATE.

I want to start by saying I do not hate anyone. I have strong dislikes for the behavior of people but I do not hate the person. That being said there are a few things I have come to know that I COULD hate and some things that I DO hate.

I could hate it that people try to give me advice even when its unwelcomed. But I also understand that they are usually just trying to help.

I do hate it when people are stuck on themselves or conceited. Its disgusting when someone constantly thinks so highly of themselves that they always talk about it. There is a difference between being confident and having a high self esteem level and being straight up conceited.

I hate it when someone agress to a plan and then turns around and all of a sudden has a bunch of prerequisites or terms.

I hate it that people no longer care about how they treat others. You may think you're being nice but sometimes the things you say come off really mean or snotty.

I realize this sounds very childish but there is just a lot on my mind and I needed to get it off.

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