WooHoo! Another weekend down... 9 more to go! Yep thats right... NINE more weekends until I said "I do" to the man I love.
Truly I can't wait. I know I complain a lot about the wedding planning but that's because I always wanted something small. His family would have none of that of course but I know that it will be so worth it in the end. I can't wait to walk down the aisle to him and see his smiling face... I get butterflies thinking about it.
Speaking of walking... I got my shoes this weekend and I must say I LUFF them! I mean they are the OH MY GAWD kind of cuteness I needed to give me a pick me up... and the crazy thing?? They were only $20! I am so serious! the lady bought them for her wedding but they were too tall for her short little hubby so she had them still in the wrapping plastic and box. I thought I was going to pass out when I saw them and she told me the price... I will post a pic once I get home!
We still have a TON left to do but ya know what... It is Oh So worth it! I mean I get to marry this guy...
Lol that happens to be one of our engagement pictures by my lovely Aunt... yep he was tossing me in the river... But seriously he loves me. I promise!
When I told him we were 10 weeks away the look on his face was priceless. I have seen many men act so nervous about their weddings. But nope not my love, he was all smiles and excitement. I could tell he truly is happy. There are no doubts, reservations, confusion, or second thoughts. I am so ready to be married!
Ok enough sappy stuff... My little man and I recently had our first run in with Chipotle. Brandon has been raving about this place for umm yea well forever. I never liked it after the first time I went a long time ago... I think I ate a PIECE of rice and hated it... So I tried it again this weekend and this is Jonathan's reaction :
then we wen to the pool and he apparently had to pee:
And this is why I thank God everyday that I wakeup and get to spend it with the ones I love.