Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rainy days suck mom!

"It's raining, it's pouring, the booty boop is whining!"
That's my new song for rainy days. My 17 month old loves to be outside. And usually I do too. I usually open the back door and let him go (WE have a locked fenced in back yard) But today the rain prevented my adventurous outdoors loving tot from going out and this is the look I got... "Puuhhhhlleeeasse mommy let me out?"

"pease pease pease look my truck is out there all alone!"

This is the look he gave me when he realized I wasn't letting him out. SO pitiful

He got over it quickly when he got a taste of his milk... (and maybe his favorite cartoon on tv too ok, ok, and a few teddy grahams Don't JUDGE ME! I'm not a bad mother I swear...)

This is his way of telling me he is mad at me.... Walking away.
Isn't it funny how I can remember having the same attitude with my own mother when she wouldn't let me out

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